Email Address: DRFN1955(at)


Mail Address:

Durham Region Field Naturalists

PMB #290

27-1300 King St E

Oshawa ON   L1H 8J4

2024/25 DRFN Executive 


President:                       Kristen Osborne

Vice President:               Unfilled, Maybe you might like this job! 

Programmes:                  Otto Peter

Membership:                   Diane Peter

Newsletter:                      John & Nancy Muzik

Outings:                           Don Docherty

Ontario Nature Contact:   Maria Priciak

Conservation:                   Sabrine Farjallah

Publicity:                           Lois Gillette

Treasurer:                         Aart Van Goch

Secretary:                         Satu Pernanen

DRFN Executive Position Duties

We are always looking for new faces to be on the DRFN executive. This year we have one position becoming vacant, that of President or Co-President and possibly other positions.

All executive members are expected to attend general meetings (8 per year) and executive meetings (5 per year) and provide reports and updates as well as an annual report for the May AGM 


President :  chair general meetings and executive meetings, answer e-mails and other forms of communications, pass on pertinent info to executive members and/or all members, participate in ON Nature Network Lake Ontario North meetings, Oh! And write the president’s message for the newsletters


Vice President :  chair general meetings and executive meetings when the president in unable to do so and take on special projects


Treasurer:  look after DRFN financial requirements such as making deposits, writing cheques and keeping receipts, keep a set of Financial Books (manually or electronically), reconcile monthly bank statements, produce yearly financial statement in January,  audit the books, prepare CRA Tax forms,  pay invoices, and arrange facility rental


Programmes:  arrange for guest speakers (easier said than done), care for and set up sound system, computer and projector, introduce and thank speakers


Membership:  keep track of members, take membership dues, set up and man membership table at general meetings


Newsletter: produce and edit five newsletters per year


Outings:  arrange monthly outings to local natural areas and lead some of these outings or find a leader to do so. 


Ontario Nature Contact: liaison and communicate with Ontario Nature personnel to let them know what we as a club are doing and to inform our club about ON projects and campaigns, attend and report at ON Nature Network Lake Ontario North meetings


Conservation: keep abreast of nature activities and those activities that affects nature in Durham Region


Publicity: keep the DRFN website up-to-date, repost nature related articles on Facebook, update our display boards and attend and represent DRFN at local nature festivals


Secretary: record minutes of the executive meetings and the AGM


Not a comprehensive list of duties but it gives you an idea. So please think of taking on one of these roles. An excellent club does not stay excellent without excellent hard-working people.
